The Wind Whisperer

The Wind Whisperer

The cadence of a cold heart, caught on the cruel, bitter winds of the world. Drifting, endlessly, falling closer to the ground, but never quite reaching. An illusion of flying. If you can...catch me... :)

A story. An open ended question. If you could dance along the riverbanks of each waking morning, what colour would the sunrise paint your eyes? If this were a ballet, our feet would stay upon the ground. But we'd like to think otherwise, wouldn't we? Maybe this story is a pretty good one. Maybe the glove doesn't fit the hand. Maybe the glove just fits.

When I Carried The Drunken Burden Alone, Because No One Else Could Shoulder The Responsibility

I am not a console for reconciliation - this isn't my culture to endure.

Just because I smile, it doesn't mean I want to.

Just because I breathe, it doesn't mean I need to.

Just because I'm kind, it doesn't mean

I don't want to break every porcelain doll in your glass house.

Fuck you and your lucid social magnetism.

Just because I haven't fallen yet

To the digging, the biting

The scratching, the clawing,

Of my skin

Along deep blue veins

Choking back tears

And gnawing hungers pains

Between remote suicide composures

It doesn't mean that I won't


Want to

Cast my own portentous choreopoem

Where I am more than just

A B-list character

Pretending you think I matter.


3 whispers:

kinnery said...

"Just because I'm kind, it doesn't mean
I don't want to break every porcelain doll in your glass house."

So beautifully said, dearest. So so beautiful.
And Tori Amos is truly incredible... especially to do the entire first half without a reference note, and the way her fingers have to play.

Jayson said...

Hello love
It's so wonderful to hear from you again

I'm happy you found it :) that is perhaps my favourite video of her. Her body is truly an extension of the piano.

I am fearing entropy again, although that perhaps is for another post.

Missing your thoughts

A said...

I love your blog, so beautiful. xo A

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