The Wind Whisperer

The Wind Whisperer

The cadence of a cold heart, caught on the cruel, bitter winds of the world. Drifting, endlessly, falling closer to the ground, but never quite reaching. An illusion of flying. If you can...catch me... :)

A story. An open ended question. If you could dance along the riverbanks of each waking morning, what colour would the sunrise paint your eyes? If this were a ballet, our feet would stay upon the ground. But we'd like to think otherwise, wouldn't we? Maybe this story is a pretty good one. Maybe the glove doesn't fit the hand. Maybe the glove just fits.

Certain Emotions

I want to hold onto this life so tight, that I can feel the blood from my palms trickle down my fingers. To encapsulate all that is good in a single breath of lightning - a jagged stroke down a dotted line. Sign your name here, or at least, the name we have given you. What an arrogant notion - to think an indecent fuck bestows the righteousness of parenthood. Have you ever looked deep inside, to call out your name, the one you have found for yourself? It will change, as it's measure is not that of the fallacy you scribble on the top right corner of pages and notes. It's how you know it is yours. To look back and never regret what I once called myself - the sound of smallest ripples on the shoreline. One day, I will fall in love, and he will call me. But he won't need my name to know me. To kiss my name out of my lips, to feel it crest through you. To hold it on my tongue, unafraid to say it. And he'll gather me in his palms, like snowflakes, each sentiment I've ever said, tumbling, crystalline, from the sky. If I were a season of cold, catch me on your tongue, knowing that waited all this time, just to fall for you.


1 whispers:

Anonymous said...

I really like this. You are a great writer. x

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