The Wind Whisperer

The Wind Whisperer

The cadence of a cold heart, caught on the cruel, bitter winds of the world. Drifting, endlessly, falling closer to the ground, but never quite reaching. An illusion of flying. If you can...catch me... :)

A story. An open ended question. If you could dance along the riverbanks of each waking morning, what colour would the sunrise paint your eyes? If this were a ballet, our feet would stay upon the ground. But we'd like to think otherwise, wouldn't we? Maybe this story is a pretty good one. Maybe the glove doesn't fit the hand. Maybe the glove just fits.

Dearest Insomnia

I wish I gold keep you in a jar

For a night when I feel a little more emotion.

The last time

- with my heart -

I fell asleep,

A sudden rush of conscientious dreams amidst tears,

When all wanted was to stay awake
To break my heart

Time and time again

On brittle petals

To crash my love again the bloody rocks ashore.

Let me save your tepid soul

In case I ever

Fall in love


1 whispers:

Anonymous said...

I hate insomnia. It's ruinous. I have to take 7mg of Zopiclone a night just to ensure it doesn't snatch me up and turn me into a Zombie!

This is such a lovely, emotion-filled post though. You're wonderful with words. x

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